I have never snugly fit into any group I’ve ever tried to be a part of— including writing groups.
I’ve always felt I was writing in the margins.
I began my writing journey as a poet. But I never wanted to write vague verse that only people with a Ph.D. in literature could understand. I wanted to write poetry for the people.
I am a journalist but not the kind eager to uncover corporate corruption or expose government scandal or even celebrity gossip. I write to highlight hometown heroes. I write to share stories that inform and inspire.
I am a blogger but not the kind you may think of when you hear the word. I’m not an Instagram influencer and I don’t blog about fashion or food. I’d like to, but I only cook because my husband and I have to eat and I wear the same five outfits every week so my OOTD posts would probably get a bit redundant. Instead, I blog about writing, wellness, and women’s empowerment. I blog about Birmingham and business. I blog about goals and God.
I often say I started See Jane Write because I wanted to be a part of a community that would encourage me to keep writing, but that’s only part of the story. I started See Jane Write because I didn’t fit into any of the other writing groups I found and I had a feeling that there were other writers out there who felt the same way.
There have been times when I’ve wondered if I was even meant to be a writer. Is my personality right for this path?
I love spending my days writing blog posts, articles, and essays but that’s not all I want to do. I’m an extrovert so I don’t want to spend every day alone with my laptop. I want to talk to people!
I’ve come to realize that this is why the life of a freelance writer is the life I’m meant to live. As a freelance journalist, I get to interview people and write the stories that energize me most. As a freelance columnist, I get to share my personal stories beyond my blog. And by writing content for businesses I get to flex my entrepreneurial muscles, too.
I didn’t find my perfect writing group, I started one from scratch. I didn’t find my perfect job, so I become my own boss.
I couldn’t find my place in the writing world, so I created it.
I’ll be sharing more of my writing journey in a new blogging e-course I’m launching this month. When the course launches I’ll be offering a 50% discount through Black Friday, but only to people on my special VIP list. Click here to get on the list.
The post Writing in the Margins: Finding My Place in the Writing World appeared first on See Jane Write.