You say you can’t write because you don’t have the time. So, make the time! Get up early, stay up late, or write during your lunch break. Write on the weekends. Write when your kids are asleep, when they’re at practice or rehearsal, or when they’re watching Puppy Dog Pals and Peppa Pig.
Girl, just write.
You say you can’t write because you don’t yet feel good enough. Quite frankly, you never will. You’ll always want to get better — and that’s OK. That means this truly is your passion and your purpose. But stop waiting for perfection. As Elizabeth Gilbert once said, perfectionism is just fear in really good shoes.
Girl, just write.
You say you can’t write because you haven’t found your voice. But you never lost it. Your voice isn’t a missing sock or a misplaced set of keys. Your voice is there waiting for you to finally use it.
So, girl, just write.
You say you can’t write because grammar is not your jam. But Grammarly and the Heminway App can pick up where your middle school English teacher left off. Let these applications take care of the commas. You just bring the content.
Girl, just write.
You say you can’t write because someone once told you that you shouldn’t. But you don’t need permission from them or me or anybody else to go after your dreams. Your writing may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but that could just mean your writing is fine wine.
So, girl, just write.
You say you’re not a writer because you don’t have a book deal or because you’ve never seen your byline in your favorite magazine. But to be a writer all you have to do is write. And you don’t have to wait for permission from the gatekeepers of publishing to share your words with the world. That’s why God created blogging.
So, girl, just write.
You say you can’t start that blog because you’re not tech-savvy. Well, God created Google and YouTube, too. And WP Beginner. So begin. Build that blog or get someone to build it for you and then, girl, just write!
This month I’m launching a new e-course that will share my blogging journey and all I’ve learned along the way. When the course launches I’ll be offering a 50% discount through Black Friday, but only to people on my special VIP list. Click here to get on the list.
The post Girl, Just Write! appeared first on See Jane Write.