It’s time for another edition of Currently, a feature for which I share what I’m currently into in hopes that you’ll find something that inspires you. Usually, I share what I’m watching, reading, listening to, writing, feeling, planning, and loving, but I’ve decided to switch things up a bit and share things that pertain specifically to the writing life. So here’s what I’m currently writing, revising, pitching, and planning. And I’ll also share what I’m reading, loving and feeling just for fun.
Writing: Well, currently I’m writing this blog post, obviously, but I’ve also been keeping busy writing articles for Good Grit magazine and StyleBlueprint. And I have a new column in Birmingham magazine that I can already tell is going to be my pride of joy of 2019!
Related Reading: On Writing and Aging Gracefully
Revising: I’m currently revising my book. Sort of. More accurately, I’m thinking about revising my book. Maybe the next time I do a Currently feature I’ll be able to say I’m revising my manuscript for real.
Pitching: I have some ideas for B-Metro magazine swirling around my mind along with those book revisions and this year I plan to pitch guest posts to some of my favorite websites, too. I also have some bucket list brand collaborations I’ve been thinking about for 2019.
Planning: Preparing for the See Jane Write Virtual Summit has taken up ALL MY TIME the past couple weeks. So be sure to sign up here so all that hard work won’t be in vain!
Reading: All the things. I’m currently fasting television for my church’s annual 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting. And while I miss my Criminal Minds crew like they are my actual, in-real-life friends, this TV fast is giving me lots of time to read more. I just completed Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis (and just in time to head to my local theater to see her Made For More documentary). Now I’m starting Don’t Settle for Safe by Sarah Jakes Roberts.
Related Reading: Should writers give up television?
Loving: All things Rachel Hollis. Y’all! I didn’t know this woman existed until last year and now I’m completely obsessed. Check out her blog The Chic Site and follow her on social media to get inspired and empowered to accomplish every dream you’ve ever had!
Feeling: Overwhelmed, but not necessarily in a bad way. I feel overwhelmed with possibility because I finally believe I can make my life exactly what I want it to be.
What’s going on currently in your writer life?
The post Currently: Writer’s Edition appeared first on See Jane Write.