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365 Blog Post Ideas and Writing Prompts



Writers write. Period. But sometimes we get so caught up in personal brand building, social media marketing, and blog monetization campaigns that we start to neglect our first love.

One way to fan the flames of your romance with writing is to write every day. Here’s a list of 365 blog post ideas and writing prompts to keep you inspired every day of the year.

  1. Why do you write?
  2. Why do you blog?
  3. Write your manifesto. 
  4. Write a letter to your younger self.  
  5. Write a letter from your younger self.
  6. Write a letter to your future self.
  7. Write a love letter to your body.
  8. Write about a friendship you wish you had.
  9. Write about a friendship you wish you’d never had.
  10. Write a book review.
  11. Write about a book that changed your life.
  12. Write about what you’re reading right now and why.
  13. Write about a piece of music that inspires you.
  14. Write about a concert you recently attended.
  15. What songs would be included in the soundtrack of your life?
  16. Write about your favorite song, the one that’s your personal anthem.
  17. Share a life lesson learned while doing something seemingly mundane, such as cleaning your closet. 
  18. Whose style would you like to steal for a day? Why? What would you wear?
  19. Write about an outfit that you associate with an important memory.
  20. Share your loftiest goals and how you plan to achieve them.
  21. Scroll Instagram and use an image as a writing prompt.
  22. Write about the best trip you’ve ever taken.
  23. Write about the worst trip you’ve ever taken.
  24. Write about a time when the death of a celebrity affected you more than you thought it would.
  25. Who are your favorite writers? Why? 
  26. Who are your favorite bloggers? Why?
  27. What’s your favorite poem and why?
  28. Write a poem of any style.
  29. Write a haiku.
  30. Write a sonnet.
  31. Write about your first crush.
  32. Write about a teacher who had a lasting impact on you.
  33. Share the story of an hour that changed your life.
  34. What’s your favorite word? Why?
  35. What’s your least favorite word? Why?
  36. Where do you get your best writing done? 
  37. Write about returning home.
  38. Write about friends that are like family.
  39. Write about a family member who is also your friend.
  40. Write a verbal vision board
  41. Share your personal mission statement.
  42. Make a list of things for which you are thankful.
  43. What would you describe as the happiest day of your life?
  44. Write about a city you love.
  45. Write about a city you hate.
  46. Write about how you celebrate New Year’s Eve.
  47. Write about how you celebrate New Year’s Day.
  48. Write a post in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  49. January 19 is National Popcorn Day. Write something inspired by popcorn.
  50. Write about a time you had trouble accepting a compliment.
  51. Write about a time you felt your life was like the movie Groundhog Day.
  52. Write about what you do on Valentine’s Day.
  53. Write a post in honor of Black History Month in February.
  54. Write about your favorite US President, living or dead.
  55. What does the word “Resurrection” mean to you?
  56. Write about your siblings or about being an only child.
  57. Write about your mother.
  58. Write about your father.
  59. Write about one of your grandparents.
  60. Write about your favorite season.
  61. Write a post in honor of Women’s History Month in March.
  62. Write about a time when you were brave.
  63. Write about a time when you were a coward.
  64. Write about a time when you felt someone was wearing a metaphorical mask.
  65. Write about a time when you wore a metaphorical mask.
  66. Write about the last time you rode a rollercoaster.
  67. Share something embarrassing like quirky habits or guilty pleasures.
  68. Write about something in the news you can’t stop thinking about.
  69. Take a negative comment or e-mail and flip it into a full essay or post. (Take that, haters!)
  70. Write the 10 commandments of blogging.
  71. Write the 10 commandments of writing.
  72. When it comes around again, write a post celebrating your blogiversary.
  73. What I Learned About Myself From ______. This can be a book, a film, an album, or even a person.
  74. Write about the five things you know for sure.
  75. Write a thank you note to your readers.
  76. In December, post your goals or resolutions for the coming year.
  77. Revisit an old blog post or piece of writing with a new perspective.
  78. Write a post, essay or poem celebrating summer.
  79. Write a post, essay or poem celebrating fall.
  80. Write a post, essay or poem celebrating winter.
  81. Write a post, essay or poem celebrating spring.
  82. Write an open letter to one of your heroes.
  83. Write an open letter of thanks to your writing partner or blogging buddy.
  84. Write about an interesting conversation you recently had with a friend.
  85. Write about an interesting conversation you overheard.
  86. Write a terrible mistake you made.
  87. Write about your favorite mistake.
  88. Write about 10 great ideas you have.
  89. Write about a dream deferred.
  90. Explain what self-care means to you.
  91. Write something good enough to be a TED Talk.
  92. Write a Things You Don’t Know About Me post.
  93. Write about an imagined conversation with someone.
  94. Write a poem, post or essay about how you feel right now.
  95. Write a “How NOT to ________” post.
  96. Rant. Get something off your chest.
  97. Debate a controversial topic in your niche. Argue both sides and see what conclusion you come to.
  98. Explore how one of your hobbies made you a better writer.
  99. Write a post celebrating one of your favorite books from childhood.
  100. Write about a time you felt powerful.
  101. Write about a time you felt weak.
  102. Write about your favorite TV show.
  103. If you could change anything about your apartment or house what would it be and why?
  104. Share 30 things you love right now.
  105. Share 5 things making you happy right now.
  106. What has been your high point and low point for the day?
  107. What has been your high point and low point for the week?
  108. What has been your high point and low point for the month?
  109. What has been your high point and low point for the year?
  110. Write a commencement address for girls graduating from high school or college.
  111. Write a six-word memoir.
  112. Write a six-word poem.
  113. Write a six-word story.
  114. Describe your life or current situation in six words.
  115. What do you love most about writing or blogging?
  116. What do you hate most about writing or blogging?
  117. What would you like most to change about yourself. Why?
  118. What would you like most to change about the world? Why?
  119. What would you like most to change about your past? Why?
  120. What is the angriest you have ever been? When? Where? Why?
  121. Write about the saddest thing you know about friendship or love.
  122. What does home mean to you?
  123. Write a tribute to your tribe.
  124. Write about a time you pretended to be someone or something you’re not.
  125. Write about a noise – or a silence – that won’t go away.
  126. Write a story or essay that begins with this line: I could have avoided all that trouble if I had only remembered to…
  127. What is the opposite of a kiss?
  128. What is the opposite of cake?
  129. In no more than 200 words explain who you are.
  130. Write 10 steps on how to stay calm.
  131. Fill in the blank and begin a story: When I first told my family about _____ they didn’t believe me.
  132. Write about the last time you got your wish.
  133. Write about how you learned to drive.
  134. Write about how you learned to cook.
  135. Write about playing your favorite board game or a game of cards.
  136. Write about your day job.
  137. Tell a story that reveals how you see yourself.
  138. Write an essay or poem in which you make yourself a promise.
  139. Write about a time you kept a promise.
  140. Write about a time you broke a promise.
  141. Write about the worst houseguest you’ve ever had.
  142. Write about two people in your life who seem to be complete opposites but have more in common than one might think.
  143. Write about your favorite pair of shoes.
  144. Write about your favorite dress.
  145. Write a story, essay, or poem about sex — and make it funny.
  146. Write about an unlikely friendship.
  147. Share a Christmas memory, without falling into cliche.
  148. Write about a wedding.
  149. Write a story or essay that begins with this: The only thing I ever wanted was…
  150. Write about a time trouble resulted from a good deed.
  151. Write about being an insider.
  152. Write about being an outsider.
  153. Write about a road trip or long car ride.
  154. Write about a time you broke a rule.
  155. What were your parents like when they were your age?
  156. Write about a first date.
  157. Write about the last time you felt indispensable.
  158. Write about the first time you felt dispensable.
  159. Confess a superstition.
  160. Write about an argument.
  161. Write a love letter to an animal.
  162. Write about the first time you realized that one day you will die.
  163. Write an essay, story or poem about a time you had to wait for something.
  164. Write about a time you won.
  165. Write about a time you lost.
  166. Write about something you’ve been avoiding.
  167. Write about your name.
  168. Write about your best birthday celebration.
  169. Write about your 21st birthday.
  170. Write a story, essay or poem about race.
  171. Write a story, essay or poem about what it means to be a woman.
  172. Write a story or essay that begins with this line: Even if she/he/they had never visited I still would have ______.
  173. Write about a time you said something you wish you could take back.
  174. Write about an act of worship.
  175. Confess a secret thought or feeling.
  176. Write a poem, essay or story inspired by the Emily Dickinson quote, “I dwell in possibility.”
  177. Write a poem, essay or story inspired by the Sylvia Plath quote, “I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am.”
  178. Write a poem, essay or story inspired by the Walt Whitman quote, “I contain multitudes.”
  179. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
  180. Write about your favorite day of the week.
  181. Write about your favorite month of the year.
  182. Write about your favorite holiday.
  183. What is most important?
  184. Write a letter to someone who hurt you.
  185. Write a poem, story, or essay about rain.
  186. Write a poem, story, or essay about snow.
  187. Write a poem, story, or essay about saying YES.
  188. Write a poem, story, or essay about saying NO.
  189. Write about the first time you flirted with someone.
  190. Write about the last time you flirted with someone.
  191. Confess an obsession.
  192. Take a selfie and write a poem to yourself.
  193. Write an essay or poem responding to this prompt: This is what I say, but this is what I mean.  
  194. What do you need to stop apologizing for?
  195. Write about doubt.
  196. Write about a playground memory.
  197. What is your playground now as an adult?
  198. Do you believe in miracles? Why? Why not?
  199. Write a tribute to your biggest fan.
  200. Begin a story or essay with this line: Maybe I should have seen it coming…
  201. Write about the love of your life.
  202. Write about a time you felt lost.
  203. Write about a time you felt loss.
  204. Write an essay that begins with the line: There are two types of people in this world…
  205. Look out your window. Write about what you see.
  206. Write about the last time you danced like no one was watching.
  207. Write about a time you met a friend for brunch.
  208. Write about 3 things you can’t live without.
  209. Open up a dictionary to a random word. Define what that word means to you.
  210. Write about numbers that have special meaning to you.
  211. Write about what scares you.
  212. Write about something you don’t want to do.
  213. Write about the first time you held someone’s hand.
  214. Write about a first kiss.
  215. Write about waking up.
  216. Describe where you sleep each night.
  217. Write about a phone call you recently received.
  218. Write about someone you miss dearly.
  219. Write about magic.
  220. Write about an experience you’ve had at a gas station or convenience store.
  221. Write about questions you have for the universe.
  222. Write about a time you failed at something.
  223. Write about your favorite color.
  224. Write about packing for a trip or unpacking when you arrive home.
  225. Write about a time when you were jealous of someone.
  226. Write about a time when someone was jealous of you.
  227. Write about a gift you have given or received.
  228. Write about something you very much want to do.
  229. Take some time to visit a gallery or museum with your journal. Write about one of the pieces that speaks to you.
  230. Imagine the day living as someone else.
  231. Write about giving yourself – or your life – a makeover.
  232. Write about an experience at the grocery store.
  233. Write someone you consider a close friend though you’ve never met them IRL. 
  234. Write a story, poem, or essay that takes place at bar.
  235. Write about coming close to reaching a goal.
  236. Write about how you feel in the shower or after bathing.
  237. Write a poem that has every letter of the alphabet in it.
  238. Write about someone who is unfaithful.
  239. Write about going on a job interview.
  240. Write about your or someone else’s health.
  241. Write about craving something.
  242. Write about having to wait in line.
  243. Write about your favorite decade.
  244. Write about starting something new.
  245. Write about something you started but never finished.
  246. Write about a random act of kindness.
  247. Write about staying up late at night.
  248. What do you want more of in your life?
  249. What have you had enough of?
  250. The struggle is real. What’s yours?
  251. Write about a truth you were once afraid to face.
  252. Write about trying to fit in.
  253. Write about a time you lost control and regretted it.
  254. Write about a time you lost control and loved it.
  255. What do you need to surrender?
  256. Write about a time you gave up.
  257. Write about a time you pressed on.
  258. Write an essay about decision making.
  259. What masks do you wear and why?
  260. Write a prayer.
  261. Write about a time you were rejected.
  262. Write about a time you rejected someone else.
  263. I want to be a voice for…
  264. I want to be a creator of…
  265. Write about running (for exercise, away from something/someone or to something/someone).
  266. What do you know now that you didn’t know a year ago.
  267. Write about something that changed everything.
  268. Confess your bad habits.
  269. Write about your to-do list.
  270. What are you motives?
  271. Describe your ideal life. Begin with this statement: It is the year 2020 and I am so proud of the life I have created.
  272. Write about something you’ve been wanting to do that will surprise everyone.
  273. Who do you need to forgive and why?
  274. What do you need to forgive yourself for?
  275. What inspires you?
  276. What truths do you hold to be self-evident?
  277. Why do you believe you are here?
  278. Make a list of things you refuse to shut up about.
  279. Write about a time you felt like a fool.
  280. Write about a time you had to speak before a large crowd.
  281. Write about a time you received a standing ovation.
  282. Write about a nightmare you can’t forget.
  283. Write about a dream you always want to remember.
  284. Do you long to be someone your family and friends might not approve of? Discuss.
  285. Write about a time when you lost faith in something or someone.
  286. What’s the best way to spend a rainy day?
  287. What are you favorite things? 
  288. Write about politics or explain why you refuse to.
  289. Write about religion or explain why you refuse to.
  290. How do you make your house a home?
  291. Describe in detail a memory that takes place in a kitchen.
  292. Write about a memory of a childhood sleepover.
  293. Write about what makes you feel safe.
  294. Write about a time you felt you were in danger.
  295. Write something funny.
  296. Write a story about food.
  297. Write about a prank or a joke gone wrong.
  298. Write about a time when you couldn’t fall asleep.
  299. Write about a time you overslept.
  300. Write about your hair.
  301. Write about someone important to you that you haven’t seen in a long time.
  302. Write about a time you compared yourself to others.
  303. What do you think people say about you when you’re not in the room?
  304. What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
  305. What’s the best advice you’ve ever given someone?
  306. What’s the best advice you’ve ever given someone that you failed to follow yourself?
  307. Write about football or another sport.
  308. Go people watching at a park or mall and create stories about the lives of the people you see.
  309. What belief did you hold as a child that you now know is untrue?
  310. Write about a time you did something you never thought you could do.
  311. Write about life lessons you’ve learned from children.
  312. Write about life lessons you’ve learned from elders.
  313. Write instructions on how to be body positive.
  314. What’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told? Why did you tell it?
  315. Write about a conspiracy theory that you believe.
  316. Write about a tattoo you have or want to get.
  317. Write about an email that seemed to change your whole life.
  318. Write about your favorite movie.
  319. Write about a really bad movie that you’re glad you watched.
  320. Write about a really bad book that you’re glad you read.
  321. Write about a time you were sick.
  322. Write about an unlikely hero.
  323. What was your life like five years ago and what do you hope it will be life five years from now?
  324. Write about a time when you felt like the fifth wheel.
  325. Write about a time someone broke your heart.
  326. Write about a time you broke someone’s heart.
  327. What are the things you can’t live without?
  328. Pose a question on Facebook or Twitter and write a post about the most interesting replies.
  329. Write a poem using the words from a tweet or Facebook status.
  330. Write about your love or disdain for social media.
  331. Share something you learned through social media.
  332. Share something you recently learned about social media.
  333. What’s in your bag?
  334. Share something you learned at a writing or blogging conference.
  335. Write about a place you loved as a child that is no longer where it once was.
  336. Post a list of things you want to do before your next birthday.
  337. Post an inspirational quote and what it means to you.
  338. Post a list of things you want do and places you want to visit in the city where you live.
  339. Post a list of writing-related things you want to do before you die.
  340. Write something inspired by an advertisement.
  341. Write a post describing your ideal reader in great detail.
  342. Write about a time you had to adjust to a new normal.
  343. Write about something you lost and found.
  344. Write about a piece of jewelry that’s important to you.
  345. Write a poem, story, or essay inspired by a text or voicemail message.
  346. Write a thank you letter to your ex.
  347. Write about something you’re expert in.
  348. Visit your favorite blog and write something inspired by the latest post.
  349. Write an essay, story or poem inspired by an article in your favorite magazine.
  350. Write about a scent that you love.
  351. Make a list of the questions you would ask your favorite writer or blogger.
  352. Write a post about all the things you wish you’d known about blogging before you started.
  353. How do you entertain yourself when you’re bored?
  354. Do you enjoy your own company? Why or why not?
  355. Write about your faith or lack thereof.
  356. Write about the best party you’ve ever been to.
  357. Post a shopping wish list.
  358. Write about your favorite idiom.
  359. Write about a time when you quit.
  360. Write about a lesson you learned the hard way.
  361. Share a story about something you accomplished and how you did it.
  362. What a post answering this question: What’s your story?
  363. What a post answering this question: Where are you from?
  364. Share an unpopular opinion.
  365. Write about what you learned from writing every day for a year.

The post 365 Blog Post Ideas and Writing Prompts appeared first on See Jane Write.

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